Low-cost and portable 3D-printed sensor for the determination of secnidazole in pharmaceutical and seized drug samples
Anal. Methods, 2025, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4AY02096K, Paper
Isabella C. O. F. Silva , Raquel G. Rocha, Thiago da Costa Oliveira, Mariana Cardoso Marra, Luciano Chaves Arantes, Wallans T. P. dos Santos, Rodrigo Alejandro Abarza Munoz, Eduardo Mathias Richter
Additive manufacturing (3D printing), particularly fused deposition modeling (FDM), has rapidly advanced, offering customized designs, reduced waste, lower costs, and fast prototyping for electroanalytical applications. Herein, the electrochemical secnidazole (SCZ)...
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